aren't we suppose to have our art class instead? haha....
First time we got the chance to eat spaghetti made by Vandalizee...and the spaghetti taste good... =D
this feast is a farewell party with white...wa..we got so many farewell party huh....
so..we spent our evening just eating and chit chatting without touching on our drawing at all....hahaha
see...we have so many foods to eat...and it's so western spaghetti, our main course, got salad as side dish, got cherry tomatoes, got potato chips.....ooh...and the salad is made by lotsa onion inside...yum yum....
spaghetti with lotsa cheeeeeseeeee powder....yummy.....such a big plate...cos vandalizee cooked too much...and i finished it all.....but after that no more space for salad di.....haha