Saturday, July 21, 2007

Gloomy day

i guess no one is reading the posts...*sob sob...i created this blog so that everyone can share their thoughts.....and now i kinda treat this as my own blog already...
So many things happened lately...rushing for the big event comin up...due to this...we all are becoming to be siao lang adi...unhappy things keep on happening...the superiors are too strict on our work thus make our life miserable....this is especially happening to si kecil....but saw her msn status there wrote 'growing stronger', make me thinks that she might have 'think open' di....

Well...i'm thinking, is this really good for us? during this rush hour....should we really care about that 0.1cm? the every single step of the procedure? are we really not worth to be trusted??

get to learn many things from this incident...not just the knowledge from studies but life experience as well - communication between human being....huh? different ppl will have different opinion...ya..i knew that since...dunno when...too long to trace back...
somehow...i never knew that different opinion will make one suffer from completing their job...
we are still too naive to make our own decision on 'that particular step' i think....that make us always depends on the superiors to make decision for us....but if u take one step ahead of that..u will be treated as 'too smart', and that might cost u to redo ur wat to do? continue to pretend fool or be smart to redo ur work? u think...oo..also...asking opinion from different ppl might cost u to redo as well...u know who i'm refering to....haha..


Prettywebstore said...

I am reading ur post here la..
auntie...u shall update ur blog at choeat too...

Ynee said...

i dun post personal feeling at choeat ler...sometimes my dad will browse thru there as well...

Prettywebstore said...

stupig la u... if ur dad click on ur profile, he will find out that u got 2 blogger. Then he will "manage" to come to here too.. :P

Ynee said... dad won't click on my profile one ler...

Prettywebstore said... accidentally..will click on de..
Human 'create' mistake~

Ynee said...

then that time i oso bo bian lo~~~